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Trigeminal Neuralgia, Arthritis and Herniated Disc

July 22, 2023 Always a great experience with Dr. Lau!  I have found incredible relief each time [...]
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Long COVID symptoms relieved

Oct 28, 2022 I am in month six of experiencing long-haul covid symptoms and have triednearly eve[...]
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Better Than Anything I Tried

April 25, 2022 I had a 2 level cervical fusion November 2021 and was doing remarkably well until[...]
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Stroke Recovery

September 28, 2022 After a stroke affecting my thalamus, I have been seeking various treatments [...]
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Treatment with acupuncture brought relief

August 1, 2022 I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. Lau at King’s Acupuncture. Arthritispain[...]