Dear Dr. Lau
Thank you so much for returning me to normal health! After 2½ years of misery. I am finally feeling good again.
For 2½ years, I suffered repeated sinus infections. I had constant nasal congestion, no sense of smell, episodic hearing, chronic maxillary sinus pain and pressure. I eventually developed asthma as well.
I have been on antibiotics repeatedly prescription allergy medications, steroids, inhalers, nasal sprays and myriad over the counter preparations, as well as herbs and vitamins.
In January 2002, I first came to your office suffering all of my usual complaints. I experienced immediate mild relief of congestion with my first treatment. By the fourth treatment my sense of smell was restored. I have been well since! No medications, no asthma inhalers and no complaints.
On two occasions, allergies flared and my sinuses threatened. Each time, I came immediately for an acupuncture treatment and my symptoms disappeared.
For me, acupuncture broke the cycle for recurring sinus infections and continues to work as a powerful preventative.
Thank you again!
Susan L. Bennett, DC
Tags: 2002