Archive for the ‘Allergies’ Category

Acupuncture has left me with no side affects and I have found I sleep better at night

Posted on May 6th, 2008 by herbertlau

Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:58 PM DR. LAU, I have suffered with chronic sinus problems since I was 18. Now, at age 36 and after a short time of acupuncture treatments I have since been relieved of severe sinus and allergy problems. I have been to several medical doctors, taken allergy medications and sinus […]

Posted on October 22nd, 2002 by herbertlau

10/22/02 Dear Dr. Lau Thank you so much for returning me to normal health! After 2½ years of misery. I am finally feeling good again. For 2½ years, I suffered repeated sinus infections. I had constant nasal congestion, no sense of smell, episodic hearing, chronic maxillary sinus pain and pressure. I eventually developed asthma as […]