Archive for the ‘Sciatica’ Category

No Back Pain Even after Sitting for Hours at Work

Posted on April 8th, 2015 by newkings

April, 2015 Thank you Dr. Lau of King’s Acupuncture $ Wellness Center! After my very first treatment my back was improved and now after 5th  treatment, I have no back pain even after sitting for hours at work! I stand up straight again after years of bending over from lower back pain. My sciatic nerve […]

I am a confirmed believer in the effectiveness of acupuncture

Posted on January 22nd, 2008 by herbertlau

Dear Dr. Lau, When I paid my first visit to your office last Wednesday, I was fairly certain that acupuncture would alleviate the problem I was experiencing because I had successfully undergone acupuncture for other ailments with a doctor in another state a few years ago. I decided to visit your office because I had […]

My sciatica pain is gone

Posted on December 18th, 2007 by herbertlau

December 18, 2007 About three years ago I started having lower back pain that radiated down my hamstring when I was sitting. Standing took the pain away. I am very active person and don’t sit for long periods of time but when I did, the pain reoccurred.  About one year ago, I started having inner […]

Posted on September 24th, 2007 by herbertlau

September 24, 2007 At the end of June 2007, I exerted my back, pinched a nerve and consequently suffered from sciatica.  I began a physical therapy program and improved somewhat but reached a plateau at two months.  At that time, I began a series of acupuncture treatments with Dr. Herbert K.Y. Lau.  I have become […]

Posted on July 14th, 2002 by herbertlau

7/14/02 Dear Dr. Lau, I want to express my thanks to you and your staff for your professional and wonderful care throughout my acupuncture treatments. Working as a nurse in an inpatient hospital setting requires a lot of physical demands. For me, because of my history of scoliosis since childhood plus the daily lifting, bending, […]

Posted on July 6th, 2001 by herbertlau

July 6, 2001 To whom it may concern: I highly recommend Dr. Lau to anyone wanting a doctor who has a genuine concern in treating his patients. My sciatica condition was cured by his treatments. Also I found his friendly staff is very helpful in reliving any anxieties his patients may have and do a […]

Posted on July 29th, 2000 by herbertlau

7-29-00 Dear Dr. Lau, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your hard work and compassion throughout the acupuncture sessions. Over this time, I am relieved of 85% of the chronic sciatica. I haven’t felt this good for many years. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Please say “hello” to your lovely wife […]