Archive for the ‘Smoking’ Category

Posted on February 15th, 2006 by herbertlau

February 15, 2006 Smoke Cessation Testimony In 1986, I had an Acupuncture Treatment to stop smoking. It has been 20 years and I an still smoke free thanks to King’s Acupuncture and Wellness. Mary Jane Roshopf

Posted on December 5th, 2005 by herbertlau

December 5, 2005 Dear Dr. Lau, Well, it has been over a month so far and I have not had a cigarette! Who would have thought smoking for over 30 years could be stopped by having one treatment. I feel great! Thanks for an early Christmas present. Always, Claire Pankow-Nablo

Posted on February 16th, 2005 by herbertlau

2/16/05 Dear Dr. Lau, It was a pleasure meeting you on Friday and I’m happy to report that the acupuncture that you administered is by all appearances fulfilling its intended function. I have not smoked since entering your office. One of the little pins in my ears felt infected on Sunday so I removed them […]

Posted on March 17th, 2003 by herbertlau

March 17, 2003 Dear Dr. Lau,   Again you have come through for me. I was a pack-a-day smoker for seven years. After a lot of stress in my life, I decided to stop smoking. After the only two treatments I stopped. I feel 100% better and an extremely thankful for your help.