Dr. Lau’s acupuncture skill is perfect.

February 20, 2013


春節,我的左手腕突然疼痛,晚上痛得不能入睡,手腕僵直,手 背紅腫,手指不能彎曲,嚴重影響我的日常生活行動,我非常著急。 這時,我想到的是King’s Acupuncture 的 Dr. Herbert Lau,他是我 熟悉的中醫針灸醫生。我打電話告訴他我的病況,他要我去他的診所 治療。我去了他診所,進了他辦公室,他詳細地詢問了我的病情,填 表後,決定“針灸”。他把我帶到設備齊全,非常整潔的治療室,讓我 躺在治療床上進行針灸。

Herbert 醫生針灸技術高明,他給我扎針時,我毫無痛感。之後, 我問他:是否還要再來?他斷然地說:“你手腕若不痛,就不必來 了。”我高興地回了家。第二天手腕感到好多了,不痛了。第三天手 腕已能活動,手背也消腫了。

Herbert 醫生之妙手僅用六根銀針扎進我手上的不同穴位,短短 40分鐘就消除了幾天來我手腕的僵直和疼痛。真正是針到病除,妙手 深深感謝妙手神針劉廣儀醫生!




Thanks a lot to Dr. Lau

During Spring Festival, my left wrist was so painful that I couldn’t sleep at night. My wrist was not able to move, hand was swollen and fingers were stiff, they couldn’t bend. This affected my ability to work. I was very anxious.

At that time, I thought of Doctor Herbert Lau who is a Chinese acupuncturist at King’s Acupuncture. I called him and told my conditions. He said, “You should come to my office.” I went there and he asked me in detail and filled the form. Then he decided to use acupuncture. He led me to his nice and clean treatment room, and let me lay down on the treatment bed to use acupuncture.

Dr. Lau’s acupuncture skill is perfect. When used acupuncture on me, I didn’t feel any pain. After the treatment, I asked him whether I should come back, he replied, “If your wrist is not painful anymore, you don’t need to.” Then I gladly went home. The next day, I felt better, because my wrist was not painful. The third day, my wrist could move and the swollen on my hand was gone.

Dr. Lau used six silver needles to treat my hand on the different point, only spent 40 minutes.

What wonderful needles! What magic hands that he has!

Thanks a lot! Dr. Herbert Lau.

Jingyi Wan

2/20/2013 Buffalo

Note from Dr Lau: Patient had tendinitis of the wrist

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